
Sunday 27 May 2012

Walafrid Strabo's poem Hortulus about black radish

Walafrid, alternatively spelt Walahfrid, surnamed Strabo (or Strabus, i.e. "squint-eyed") (c. 808 – August 18, 849), was a Frankish monk and theological writer (Wikipedia). 

Walafrid is remembered for his Hortulus, or  "Little Garden." Although it was written in Latin verse I have found only english and russian translation.

Here in the last bed we find radishes,
with their mighty roots and spread of leaves.
When coughing shakes your insides, the sharp
root of the radish suppresses it. If you eat some,
or make a drink from crushed radish seeds,
it will very often heal the sufereing causes
by this malicious illness.

Здесь же и редька, что корнем могуча, широкую сенью
Листьев своих вознеслась, и растет она с самого края.
Кашель, трясущий нутро, хорошо унимается горьким
Съеденным корнем ее, а растертое семя от редьки
Этот же самый недуг исцеляет собою нередко.

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