
Tuesday 29 May 2012

Last bed.

If you go back to my first post you can see that the best plants I've got on the sunny end of the row. No doubt black radish needs space and likes direct sun. If you limited in space, that is common for urban gardens, you need to be creative to find a room for black radish. Besides you want to seed it late when day length starts to roll down at time when your garden is full of thriving plants shading each other and spreading wide. Interesting solution you can find from Olga Demi's granny that I found on Russian Internet as follows:

"When I first time seeded a radish (about 20 years ago), I re-read all about it and I followed the science but my plants went bolting. Then I started to think why it did not go bolting in my granny garden. I have recollected in my memory where it was grown. It was always placed on edge of carrots, onions, or potato ridges. Plants were space 60-70cm apart and grew very well. Besides you safe on seed cost as you don't need to thin it out latter. Plants do not compete to each other also. The roots grew huge. Awesome.
Когда я первый раз посеяла редьку  ( лет 20 назад), а до этого все добросовестно перечитала об ней и сделала "по  научному" она мигом пошла в стрелку.   Тогда я вспомнила о том , а почему она не шла встрелку у моей бабули.   И мигом вспомнила где она росла, а садили её по краю морковной, луковой, или картошечной гряды.  Натыкали семян см через 60-70 и растет преспокойно и расход семян небольшой и ничего не выкидывается из загущения. И не мешают и не подавляют друг друга.   Такие огромные вырастали, ужасть.

May 27, 2012. Early seeded black radish on the south edge of my garden

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