
Monday 3 September 2012

My Friend Experience

Friend of mine Hugh, who is a devoted gardener, decided to try  black radish. The package that he bought was not specific about time of seeding and he put seed in soil in early spring. It was no surprise for me that all his black radish  plants bolted. I didn't know about this till I call him at the end of June with offer to try black radish. I gave him some Oregon origin seeds with a hope that he will be more successful with late seeding as his gardening on open field with no trees around to shade the garden.

Since that time I've got two email from him as follows.

"I planted some just after the July long weekend then again 10 days later. The July long weekend planting is bolting some and the 10 day later has a couple plants bolting. It may be due to the heat we have had lately. Just for fun I did a planting on Aug 1 and its doing fine. I will take some pictures. Everything else in the garden is doing just great. I should have some sweet corn, cantaloupes and watermelon ready next week. Even the soybeans are doing good and have pods - could have vegetable beans to harvest by next weekend!"
"Unfortunately my garden was hit by hail on Thursday afternoon and the radish is not looking pretty. I will take pictures. If it makes it I will let you know. Sweet corn is just coming on and then this hail!"

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