
Friday 13 April 2012

Edmonton Spring Weather

This spring the first really warm day came on April 11. My early morning biking ride  to my work place was also first time on the plus side. As the afternoon temperature hovered about 16C  I didn't resist to replant my black radish that I seeded for germination test. I know that frost will be back and I like to see how black radish will coop with temperatures below zero.

For reader who is not from Edmonton, Alberta it would be interested to know that gardening work starts here in a middle of May. However I always try to start early and early greens are coming as a reward. But you have to be ready to fail.

Below are a few pictures from 2010 season.

May 4, 2010.

May 8, 2010.

May 30, 2010

Next snow was in September.


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